Discover all our actions carried out in 2016
Colloquium for Tyrosinemia
Ensemble contre la Tyrosinémie organized its first colloquium on 19th and 20th November 2016.
During 2 days the association received patients and families.
They participated to hypo proteinic cooking activities called “Toque Chef” helped by the head-chef of L’Atable Restaurant: Christophe TEILLET in association with NUTRICIA.
Adults could also participate to conferences presented by specialists of the Tyrosinemia disease.
We ended this first colloquium with a dance night in a friendly atmosphere. We forged strong links with the patients and their families.
Meal and dance night
On 15th October 2016 we organized a meal followed by a dance night.
For this first edition, 209 meals were served or delivered at home.
Discover the Ouest-France article
Belote competition
In April 2016, Ensemble contre la Tyrosinémie set up a belote competition.
Easter chocolates sales
In March 2016, we organized a sale of Easter chocolates in association with Les Chocolats d’Alex OLIVIER.
As it was a successful action we will organize it again in March 2017.
The best sellers were rewarded.
Thanks for the excellent article
It works quite well for me